News & Events

18 November 2016

Invacare supports Children In Need 2016

Children In Need's vision is that every child in the UK has a childhood which is:

  • Safe
  • Happy and Secure
  • Allows them the chance to reach their potential

Therefore, it's important to get involved in supporting the charity in order to make a...

16 November 2016

SPH Newsletter November 2016

Our special edition Safe Patient Handling newsletter is now available to read online and this edition will be distributed throughout the OT Show, NEC, Birmingham on 23 & 24 November. 

Invacare is an education partner for the event and has a long...

15 November 2016

It's Self-Care Week!

This year’s Self Care Week theme is focused on raising awareness of the importance of understanding self-care for life. We are supporting self-care week by offering some useful tips for staying healthy this Winter as well as our wide range of...


Wounds UK Conference 2016

The Wounds UK Annual Conference will be held on 14-16 November 2016 at the Harrogate International Centre. At this years' event there will be over 17 hours of fresh clinical content, including the expansion of our popular Made Easy workshops, which...

03 November 2016

Invacare aims to educate at the OT show

Invacare aims to educate at the Occupational Therapy show

In a further demonstration of their commitment to education and training, market leading manufacturer and supplier Invacare will hold two clinical seminar sessions at the UK’s largest...

26 October 2016

World Occupational Therapy Day 2016

We’re celebrating World Occupational Therapy Day
27th October 2016

Organised by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT), World OT Day aims to demonstrate the importance of occupational therapists and their valuable contribution to...