Frequently Asked Questions

Invacare frequently asked questions

We hope the following is of help to you, however if you have a specific query not listed below, please email use the Contact Us form here to send us your enquiry.  Please do not include any sensitive or personal information in your email.  

I have a wheelchair issued by the NHS but it needs repair, please can you help?
If your product was issued by an NHS Wheelchair Service, then you will need to contact them to arrange the repair.  The Wheelchair Services have provided the product for you to use and it is their obligation to ensure it is maintained and repaired when required.  There should be documentation that came with the chair providing contact details.

My wheelchair has a part that’s broken and I urgently need to find a replacement.
If you have purchased the wheelchair yourself then you need to contact one of our authorised retailers, please click our Retailer Locator to find your nearest stockist.
If the wheelchair was issued by an NHS wheelchair service, please contact them to arrange for the spare part.

I have a product given to me by the NHS/hospital/Social Services but it’s no longer required, please can you collect it.
For collection of products that are issued by an NHS Wheelchair Services/Social Services or Community Equipment Loanstores, please can contact them and they will arrange for collection

Why can’t I buy direct from Invacare?
As a manufacturer we distribute our product through a nationwide network of authorised retailers who sell direct to consumers, and we supply directly to the NHS, where products are issued following an assessment. 

To make a private purchase of products, accessories or spares, please contact one of our authorised retailers, use our Retailer Locator here.

Recently I purchased a scooter and I need to register it with the DVLA, please can you do this?
All class 3 new scooters that can be driven on the road need to be registered with the DVLA.  The dealer will usually help you to register the vehicle at the time of purchase, however there are times when this is done post purchase.  Please click the link below to the DVLA webpage where you can download and complete the form

I purchased an overhead hoist and it needs servicing; please can I book this with you.
To have your product serviced, please contact the Retailer or Service Provider who supplied the product and they will arrange for the service. Many of our retailers also offer ‘service contracts’.

Where can I purchase spare parts?
All spares and accessories are available to purchase through our network of authorised retailers, please use our retailer locator here to find your nearest stockist.

I purchased a bathlift from the internet and its broken, please can I return it to you for repair?
For all products that are purchased online, please contact the online retailer who supplied the product, provide the full details of the purchase and they will contact you. 

Where can I find a user manual for my product? 
All users guides/manuals are published in the product webpage (see screenshot below). Go to Products, click through the menu to find your product, open the product web page, click to the ‘Specifications & Downloads’, the page will scroll to that section, click User manual.  The file will open in pdf that can be downloaded or printed.

I'm travelling with my wheelchair, what guidance can you offer?
Please refer to the UK government website for guidance on travel with your wheelchair or medical device. This covers air and rail travel.  Click here to access.
There is also additional information available on the Civil Aviation Authority website. Click here to access.

If you require additional information before travel, particularly relating to a powerchair and type of batteries, please use the search function on our website to locate your product, scroll to the Specifications & Downloads section to find supporting information.  We encourage you to always check the user manual in the first instance.

Additional product resources
We have a number of resources available to download for each product.  Please visit the product webpage and go to the ‘Specifications & Downloads’ section to access a range of product support documentation. Alternatively you can use the search function in the main blue menu bar, just click the search icon far right.


Invacare resources download section