Invacare would like to keep you informed of how we are responding to the ongoing outbreak of Covid-19, the impact on our business today and how we will keep you informed as the situation develops.
It goes without saying that the health, safety and well-being of our employees and their families, our customers and our partners is always paramount and that we will continue to act in ways designed to mitigate the risks associated with Covid-19.
We are taking a number of steps in order to maintain our capability. These include:-
Employee Safety and Capacity
We have instigated a ‘remote working first’ approach, insisting that all staff that have the capacity to work remotely do so and do not travel to our office locations unless absolutely necessary.
We are fast tracking the introduction of additional IT capability to allow a greater number of our employees to work from home in the very near future.
We are sharing capability across borders utilising staff capacity in other locations to provide services where needed.
Customer facing staff will be utilising technology to perform as much day to day activity as possible remotely rather than on customer premises. Only where face to face visit is deemed absolutely necessary will our employees be visiting customer sites and at all times, we reserve the right to not attend should the situation or environment not be deemed suitable.
Supply Chain and Demand
We continue to exercise a deep assessment through our entire supply chain, including lower tier levels, across every product in our portfolio. We are also in constant contact with our supplier representatives to monitor production and shipping.
There may well be some short-term delays on products from greater affected regions in the coming weeks as some country borders initiate further restrictions on movement of people and products.
In the event of periods of stock shortages or supply chain limitations and peaks in demand, each stock risk and potential shortage will be communicated to relevant customers on a product by product basis.
We will constantly monitor demand and stock levels, and may in some instances, initiate a stock allocation process to ensure even distribution of available product.
This is an unprecedented time for everyone, and the situation is changing daily. Please be assured that we are committed to maintaining our business operations and ensuring you continue to receive the highest quality service with the minimal disruption. We will endeavour to communicate any changes to our operations as and when they occur.
If you require any further information at this time, please contact your Territory Manager or Invacare Customer Services on 01656 776222 or e‐mail via
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